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  • Writer's pictureallisonhall

Afternoon Pages: No Vulnerability, No Learning

Brene Brown's phrase of "No vulnerability, No learning" in her talk about Daring Classrooms really hits home for me. After watching her discuss the importance of vulnerability in classrooms, and its pivotal role in taking risks, it all suddenly dawned on my that the best classes I have ever had, the ones where I could thrive as a learner, were the ones that most encouraged vulnerability.

The biggest characteristic of these classrooms that promoted my vulnerability was no judgement. It's really difficult to be open and honest with the people around you when they are looking at you in a judge-y way. I was able to voice my opinions, and I wasn't afraid of getting answers incorrect, because everybody respected each other's opinions. It felt liberating to be a part of a classroom that valued each and every participant.

I have struggled in a lot of my classes with participating because I feel judgement from my classmates. No, I'm not the most articulate person, and no, my opinions aren't always the status quo - but same goes for you.

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