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  • Writer's pictureallisonhall

Connected Learning Badge Proposal

I am super excited about completing the Connected Learning Badge! Reading the assignment criteria, I definitely feel like this badge is a great fit for me. Of course, I wish that I could work on all of the badges because I think that I can gain value from all of them, but Connected Learning will be the one that I focus on next.

Why is Connected Learning the final badge I chose, when I have a bunch of beneficial options to choose from? Well, that first line on our class website really spoke to me. It said that the Connected Learning Badge is all about empowering engaged learners to do their best in the classroom, and someday, in the world. When I was in middle/high school, I feel like I was definitely a passive learner. I would do the bare minimum (well, I guess to my standards) to get the assignment done. I can not for the life of me remember any information from those assignments that were very cut-and-dry (ahem...math), but I can still tell you the details of the projects that got me excited to participate. Connected Learning is a wonderful way to reach all students.

I feel like this badge will definitely be worthwhile to me right now because I strive to create a classroom culture of students that want to learn! Pairing the Connected Learning Badge with my Teacher as Ally Badge will assist in my construction of a classroom environment where students can thrive and achieve great heights.

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