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  • Writer's pictureallisonhall

Supporting Bullied Students

Continuing with the theme of learning how to be a great Teacher Ally to specific student groups, how best can I support bullied students? I find this especially difficult because teachers don't see everything, and might not be aware of a bullying situation. How do we identify these? And how do we support those being bullied? Also, do we support the actual bully to help prevent their actions?

" Reading for a Bullying-Free School" by Mary Yoder Holsopple, M.S. illustrates an educator whose daughter is being bullied, but the situation is unaware to her teachers. Through her daughters struggles, and her hopes for no student to go through anything similar, she delves in how best to be an ally to those being bullied.

(1) Observed bullying (and even suspected) should NEVER be ignored.

Take a stance, and make it known to your students. If students know that you don't tolerate bullying of any kind, they may be more willing to turn to you if they are being bullied or if they have witnessed bullying. Be sure to intervene each time that bullying (or suspected bullying) occurs.

(2) Educate those around you.

Encourage schools to participate in bullying training. Educate teachers, administrators, and faculty around you to address bullying whenever it is suspected. Of course, there is going to be bullying you don't see because middle/high schoolers are smart, but if the staff works together as a team, you can work as a collective ally to those being bullied.

(3) Dedicate some class time each week/month to the discussion of bullying.

Through this class time, you can have deep and meaningful conversations with your students about bullying and its harm. You can read books (maybe 13 Reasons Why), watch movies (like Cyberbully), and have discussions about the devastating effects of bullying. Also, be vulnerable with your students! If you take a firm stance on bullying and share your difficult times, students are more likely to turn to you when being bullied.

Many cases of bullying (even the one in the article), showcase a teen being bullied with no Teacher Ally to turn to. This article provides me with great tools and resources to be an Ally to students.

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